Thursday, November 24, 2005

since i don't have you

(gacking this from idiot who stole it from the nanowrimo forums)

How sexual is your novel? (includes even basic things like romantic kissing and caressing, and sexual innuendo)
Kiss count so far: one rough ulterior-motive smooch and one KILLING KISS OMG WTF! No caressing (not counting the chicken, right?) Two of my characters *love* making double entendres. They crack me up.

How violent is your novel?
Not really violent, even with all the killings. Okay, one death was a bit bad. But it's all done tastefully, i swear! (except that one about the baby, but that was so brief and it was more of a representation of it)

How much swearing is in your novel?
More than i thought would be. One character (maybe two) unleashes--wait, what am i talking about. Everyone curses at least once. One or two excessively so. Sorry, I find curses utterly amusing in print. Does 'friggin' count? :P

How much substance use? (drinking/smoking/drugs)
No smoking, no drugs. Only drinking of Sin Kissed, which may or may not be alcoholic. Man, that drink is the best. Drunken poetry ensues at times. FUN.

I add this: Your novel's plot in one or two sentences:
Girl dies, but isn't really dead, must kill herself. Um, must strive for eternal rest, I mean. Uh, I'll come up with a better summary later on.

Last sentence written
The reason is this: it prepares you for the inevitable loss of this final phase of life.


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