What the Hell Do I Know?

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

gonna go for a whirl with my pinhead girl

wordcount: 43,052
wow, that means i wrote less than a thousand today.
excuses: fever yesterday, sore joints, clicky jaw/ear, stomach/head achy (plus: i passed out for 10+ hours. minus: got almost no words written)
snacks: half a jelly donut
budgie cuteness: teeny is a monkey, i swear
more budgie cuteness: they are sooo in luv! kissy!

- So here I am at the end of all things (i mean, November), and have not reached the goal *shakes fist at Nanowrimo* NEVER AGAIN!!!!! My poor budgies had to stay up mad late, I had to say no to things I wanted to do, work almost 9 hours a day, commute 3 hours a day, I got so little sleep (dude, i need at least 8 hours or i am shot the next day), blah blah excusecakes!

+++ Except I am sure I will change my mind by next November. Nothing says do it like a mandatory deadline, even if you don't reach it. I haven't done any creative writing in YEARS!!!! Hooray for me :) Don't worry, I'll try to finish up this mess this weekend. Sleep calls. zzz.

Monday, November 28, 2005

underdog world strike

wordcount: 41,182 hell's yeah!
music: gogol friggin' bordello
background noise: overactive computer and bubba chirps
snacks: i am on a raisin bran crunch sugar high

breaks: NONE (except to get aforementioned cereal)
goal: 42K tonight (HA!) sorry beebees, you are having a late night.

++ story has kept on track. is that some sort of nano-miracle? (haha, the nano = tiny)


Thursday, November 24, 2005

since i don't have you

(gacking this from idiot who stole it from the nanowrimo forums)

How sexual is your novel? (includes even basic things like romantic kissing and caressing, and sexual innuendo)
Kiss count so far: one rough ulterior-motive smooch and one KILLING KISS OMG WTF! No caressing (not counting the chicken, right?) Two of my characters *love* making double entendres. They crack me up.

How violent is your novel?
Not really violent, even with all the killings. Okay, one death was a bit bad. But it's all done tastefully, i swear! (except that one about the baby, but that was so brief and it was more of a representation of it)

How much swearing is in your novel?
More than i thought would be. One character (maybe two) unleashes--wait, what am i talking about. Everyone curses at least once. One or two excessively so. Sorry, I find curses utterly amusing in print. Does 'friggin' count? :P

How much substance use? (drinking/smoking/drugs)
No smoking, no drugs. Only drinking of Sin Kissed, which may or may not be alcoholic. Man, that drink is the best. Drunken poetry ensues at times. FUN.

I add this: Your novel's plot in one or two sentences:
Girl dies, but isn't really dead, must kill herself. Um, must strive for eternal rest, I mean. Uh, I'll come up with a better summary later on.

Last sentence written
The reason is this: it prepares you for the inevitable loss of this final phase of life.

live and let die

(Whoa, that was the song I was just listening to, but it also seems to be the central theme of my novel)

wordcount: 31,014
snacks: thanksgiving flan and yummy baked something with raisins apples bananas and walnuts
music: guns n' roses

+++ I like my novel. Like I will try to write and go back to check on something and instead will read it like it's new and charming and funny. Surely this is a sign of madness and/or my reluctance to write more and more words...
-- Just like how I managed to beat my beginner and intermediate times in Mindsweeper. Note to self: uninstall mindsweeper for nanowrimo 2006.
---- so many days behind...
++ still remain annoyingly optimistic. stupid optimism. clearly rationality has not talked to you yet. does it ever? DOH--
-/+ I AM MY MC!!!

Monday, November 21, 2005

got drunk in the mall!

current song: Drink Drank Punk by Anti-Flag
current wordcount: 27,403 (i am now counting the footnotes, which is not much but every little bit helps now!!)
current appropriate song lyric: i'm not lazy, i just don't care! :P
current wordgoal: 28k by tonight (yeah right!)
snacks: slice of chococake, hershey's chocolate bar, kit kat (wtf is my Inca Cola?!)

-- output must exceed 3k daily for me to reach the 50k finish. oy.
--- either i type really slow or all punk songs are really really short.
+ i am not throwing up! :) that's always a good thing, right?
-/+ blah blah shut upcakes. zzz.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

breathe love

current wordcount: 25,961 (yeah don't worry, i'll crack the 26k before i turn off this sad tired computer--aka ME!!!)
current song: Breathe by Depeche Mode. OMG <3 MLG! (is it so wrong that I think Exciter is a better album than Playing the Angel??!)

Holy crap, i'm like a bazillion days plus three behind (that's 3 for future mayhem planned), arg! Why am i forcing myself to meet this deadline? Will it signal a great failure if i don't? My story is kinda cool, at least i think so. Sis thinks it's a synth-pop novel. HEE! I only borrowed about a thousand DM and PSB CDs from her!

++++ synthpop ist gut
-- i wish i could fit Steve Naghavi into my novel (kinda like i always fit him into any comix i do) except that he's not dead, so... yeah :( i meant :) that he's not dead. wow, i need sleep.

Friday, November 18, 2005

"he's an artist!"

yesterday: worse day yet, nanowise. less than 100 words
wordcount: around 21,100ish
breaks: Everybody Hates Chris
snacks: Uh-oh's and month old no-name brand cookies, yUM!
excuse! midnight showing of Harry Potter & the Raging Hormones Goblet of Fire

calculations to make my weekend teh suck:
must write 12,340 words before Monday in order to be caught up. TWELVE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY WORDS?! o_O Okay... that's about 4,000 each day... oh cripes. Also? THOSE NUMBERS APPEARED AGAIN!!! AIIIIIIII. Those numbers are like my personal Lost numbers.
music: NONE, wah! though i was grooving to Rancid's Old Friend this morning.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

robots in the skies!

word count: 20,691 (pathetic!!!)
days behind: three and a half! ai!
current music: dj beat commander's excellent show
my request: Infam's Missing You

- a combination of events has led me to miss my break (Lost), no snacking and to have such a horrid word count. still, i remain insanely confident enough to plan about a billion things for the rest of the month. hello! i was a hermit last month, so much for nanowrimo!
+ this music is good for typing *punches keyboard*
++ budgieness cuteness still unrivaled
--/+++ Harry Potter midnight showing tomorrow = BAD word count but who cares?!! OMG *excited*

sharking a minute to get chips and drinks

NANO-related RANTS! GO!

  • I totally forgot about My Name is Earl and the Office yesterday!! WTF!!!
  • I am getting around six hours of sleep each night. Last night five thanks to the arguing budgies. ARG!
  • Because of aforementioned less-sleep, I am falling asleep on my commute both ways. blag!
  • So many things are coming up that are going to cut into my writing time!
  • This is kinda fun in a masochistic sort of way! ;)
  • UPDATE: last night's episode of MNiE and tO were GREAT. thanks a lot message boards!!! >_<

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

cheerio crunching

wordcount: 20,024 (finally! over 20k. but still three days' worth behind. ugh.)
current song: Crazy by Andy Bell (hmm, songs about craziness is a recurring theme, eh?)
snack: cheerios (budgies are eating them too)

- sleepy!
+ story still chugging along

last line written:
“I’d make it with Tom Jones. And then I’d have him record my song.”

sooo bad = sooo good, right? :)

Monday, November 14, 2005

menea pa' 'qui! menea pa' 'lla!


word count so far: 18,366 (aiming for 19k tonight)
newest song inspiration: Madonna's Abba-sampled Hung Up. liek whoa. *DANCES DISCO STYLE*

- i think i need chocolate
-/++ budgies are soo cute, but too distracting. bubba is feeding teeny. they all kissy!
---- upcoming events will force me to amp up my daily output, but that wasn't happening in the first place, so I AM SCREWED.
-/++ am plotless again, but this has resulted in new hilarity. at least i think so.

last sentence written:
“What in blazes are you thinking?? He’s a freakin’ ALIEN!!”

Sunday, November 13, 2005

I excel in both content and deliverance

(not really, but the Streets said it, so I use it as inspiration)
word count: 17,058
albums: the Clash’s self-titled (US version), 80s comp of pop!, The Streets’ Original Pirate Material, Rancid’s Life Won’t Wait, Lord of the Rings: Two Towers soundtrack (twice!)

-- UGH. DO NOT, i repeat, DO NOT write your novel with the Two Towers soundtrack playing. I actually wrote an ending to the whole damn thing, which was depressing as all get out! Stupid Gollum song *wants to see LOTR* The last words were "the End." Nope, that's gotta be changed. Just not now.
+ "cult classic, not bestseller" "around here we say birds, not bitches" Hee! <3 Mike Skinner <3
--- i spent all day indoors and wrote less than i did yesterday when i was pissing about. stink.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Is hellhole one word?

Current word count: 15,052
current song: Crazy by Aerosmith (how apropos!)
snacks: 3/4 of a tiny butterfinger, lollipop, tiny almond joy, buttered bagel
albums listened to: Depeche Mode's Some Great Reward, Voodoo Glows Skulls' The Band Geek Mafia, Rancid’s Let’s Go, New Order’s Substance, the Best of the Gipsy Kings, Aerosmith's Hits
character count: 16 (half not even well-formed, some barely introduced, some just given a name)

I was doing so well until I stopped to take a break and got totally thrown off by the newly restored Wizard of Oz and a Monty Python marathon. Okay, I watched some soccer too. Sue me.

- Behind 5,000 words for today. Oy vey.
+ Contractions are not your friends. Break the words apart = double word count! woo hoo!
+ Holy blasphemy batman! My novel is so sacrilegous. Brilliant.

Last sentence written:
"How will I know if I should stay or if I should go?"
You get bonus points if you can name the two songs I mashed up to write that fine piece of line.

Friday, November 11, 2005

dance with me!

word count (so far today) 12,079
more excuses: lost two hours to late commute
snacks: 1 chocolate chip cookie
music: Someone's Gonna Die by Blitz (oi oi oi!)

This weekend is supposed to be catch-up, except I completely forgot about HELLA EXCITING IMPORTANT FOOTBALL MATCHES GOING ON!!!!!! US, Scotland, Brazil, England, Argentina, T&T, eeee! *CONCENTRATE YOU* Okay. Okay. Calm down.

Must not waste time on blog. Must sleep. Last sentence:

“Pretty much the same way, except it was darker and without Madonna’s new single.”

Yeah, I have no idea what that means either. :)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

two day's worth o' posts

Yesterday I had the most unproductive day ever, novel-wise. I blame Cien Mexicanos, the first half of Chelsea v Man U, and the new ep of Lost. Stupid me TV.

Today (so far)
Music: Academy Fight Song by Mission of Burma (cuz i'm not not not not not not your academy!)
Breaks: Everybody Hates Chris
Snacks: 3 entenmann's chocolate chip cookies (in my defense, a pair were siamese!), Geneva cookie (where did the candy bag go?!??? wah!)
Words (so far) 11,031
Music now: Paninaro by the Pet Shop Boys (this song should be made into a really melodramatic gay disco love vignette of immense emotions, passions and fashions set in Italy. Armani Armani, ah ah Armani.)

+/- am getting alternately inspired and distracted by music selections
+/- got extra sleep, but less writing done. no rest for the weary!
-- damn, i need water. i am dehydrating.
++++ bubba is sooo damn cute
+ whoa, this song is like da best ever. my violence, religion, injustice and death. oh ooh oh!
--- okay, make that super distracted by the music
- ack, bubba shut up! you so loud!
----- am wasting mucho time here and wracking up a higher wordcount here than in my novel
-- have beaten my best time for intermediate in mindsweeper *i confess, i goof off!!*

By idiot's request, here is the last sentence of my novel so far. Unfortunately it's all out of order, so it's not really the last i've written. I'll include one of my fave sentences so far.

LAST: "That, I do not understand."
FAVE: It is possible to visit Suffragette City, Clash City and the town called Malice.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

10,000 WOO!!!

word count: 10,051
music: none. news radio ... bloomberg blah blah
breaks: Family Feud, Spongebob, My Name is Earl (so sweet!) and the Office
snacks: cinnamon-apple cookie, 2 .... what are those cookies called?
eyes: squinting into the computer screen

+ I am finally past the 10K mark!
-- I am now almost TWO days' worth of writing behind. eep.
- plot sucks. but maybe that's just cuz i'm sleepy.


update for yesterday:
word count: approximately 9,300 (i am falling behind!)
snacks: m&ms and mini milanos
break: an hour of new Arrested Development!!

-- This trying to reach the daily quota (and failing) is making me stay up later than usual, bringing down my sleep time to about 6 hours a night. Not good.
--- everything is really really disjointed. i have contradictions that i have to go back and edit. blarg.
++ on the train this morning i suddenly figured out my plot! (i think) woo!!

Sunday, November 06, 2005


word count: 8,509 (short 1,493 of 10,002. not a whole day, but eep!)
guilty: was going great until went to see Saw 2, got distracted by Harry Potter premiere footage
music: Nancy Sinatra's Burning down the Spark (lost track after it repeated for the 10th time)
reese's peanut butter cups: at least 5 and counting

+/-- ANGSTCAKES!!!!! How did this crappy novel get so angsty? I can't even find a word to rhyme with angst so i can make fun of my novel. shmovel novel.
- wah wah whine whine shut up MC!
++ why why why? <3 smart MC
--/++ stupid love interest, i hate you already, you suck, delete you i may
- so many semi-colons and commas. i blame the lists.
-- scattered bits and pieces
--- i can't write comedy! i only have crappy angst. augh philosophical / scientific / metaphysical / theological / mythological garbage!
-/+ uh, what is my plot again? :D

Thursday, November 03, 2005

well, i don't know...

current music: Love Kills by Joe Strummer
album: Gypsy Punks by Gogol Bordello
words: 4,260 (short the minimum 5,001 for the third day)
excuses, excuses: computer crashed 3 times, Everybody Hates Chris, 4 reese's peanut butter cups, it already past 11

- I missed the minimum 1,667 per day for the first time and it's only the third day! oi vey!
+ story is getting back on track. i wrote the longest scene to date (and it's not even finished yet)
++ story is getting on crack. i wrote the best worst poem ever. in turbo pascal, yo!
+ i have a footnote! of many to come, i am sure!! :D

He strode into the room like a matador, which was appropriate since he was a killer. He nodded politely to Nadie, then sat behind the large desk on which sat a mug with the words “Good Mourning.” He raised one long finger, silently asking her to wait, as he turned on his computer by touching the screen and checked his voicemail by putting on an earring.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

we mean it, man!

music: God Save the Queen by the Sex Pistols
snacks: 3 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, cup of tea
breaks: flossing teeth
current word count: 3,363

I could stay up longer, but I need to get my story in order. All semblance of a timeline has disappeared, so I am left with scraps of odd conversations here and there, that I will have to tie together later or scrap. In short, I am left with poetry. That could be good or bad news.

“The ingredients are these: rum from the Bacardi gift shop in Puerto Rico; red wine at a meal with an extramarital lover; seawater near an oil spill; a drop of blood from a deep paper cut; a splash of urine of an alcoholic and milk three days past its expiration date. Oh, and some Coca-Cola for color.”


setbacks: my stupid rio player went plotz! which made me unplotz.
wordcount so far: ZILCH
listening to: Atom & his Package - Punk Rock Academy
reading-rant: is there like any good gay story where the two protagonists... i dunno, BOTH MAKE IT OUT ALIVE?! *angry* Okay, I guess Maurice counts. Except it was published posthumously.

i am in a bad mood. the budgies are scared of my hat. only pop music can save me now.

*tries to write something*

so sleepy...

I had a good first day. I even listened to DeeMode, And One and Ace of Base like i said i would (I'll save Gogol Bordello for tomorrow), but alas, it is 10:30something and I am sleepy.

- Scarily enough one character refused to be who i wanted it to be and morphed right into another one with one sentence.
+/- I'm not sure if it's a good thing if the story begins to tell itself, or if it's a bad thing that it's out of my hands.
++/-- This story is so going to be the poor man's Neil Gaiman's American Gods.

Happy nation, living in a happy nation!! :)

First day totals
word count: 2,156
pages: 4.5 in Word
characters besides main one: 6
albums listened to while writing: 4
break: one hour watching My Name is Earl and the Office
tissues used for oncoming cold: what's 5 times a lot?

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Today is the first day of the rest of the month. I think I will pop in some Depeche Mode to write my first hundred words or so. Then perhaps I will pop in some And One. Then the novel will take on gothy undertones. To cure this, I shall then put in some Ace of Base. That will end poorly, so then we have some Gogol Bordello. This too will be too much to handle, so I shall settle for budgie chirping until the wee hours (of eleven pm, i mean). So tired, my bones ache, i am 345 years old.